Valuation & Building Survey is also a survey company. Below you will find information about valuating and building survey in Spain and contact us.
When do you need an valuation report?
- To obtain financing or Spanish mortgage.
- To determine the value required for your tax declaration in Great Britain.
- Before making a purchase decision.
You intend to buy a property in Spain. You have found your dream home, or are you dreaming of restyling an old property into a modern stylish home? Perhaps you would like to buy a house that is under bank repossession? Through an independent and objective investigation, we determine the value of a home and provide you with expert advice. This ensures that you do not pay too much and can make the right decision.
- Before making a sales decision
You intend to sell your current home in Spain. Our valuer provides you with an extensive valuation report which states the current market value. Of course, this value is underpinned, because at the moment houses in Spain are available for varying amounts. So take sure you take full benefit!
- With a divorce.
- With an inheritance.
When do you need an building survey?
- Insight into the build quality and the condition of the house.
As an Englishman, you are right to be critical and make high demands on the property you want to buy. Or as proof of the quality of the home you want to sell. Not only the location of the house or certainly that everything is legally in order, but also its constructural state of the house is a great importance. As you may know, the Spanish construction method differs greatly from that in the U.K. This is not only to due to with the climate, but also the location of the house. The different seismographic risks in the country also play an important role in our research. The building survey from gives you clarity about the build quality and the condition the house is currently in. Prevention is better than cure!
- A building survey with advice on a renovation.
- In case of reinvestment and tax issues. is regularly called in to draw up a report for the authorities. In case of reinvestment and issues in the field of wealth tax, we can be of service to you and you can use our report to substantiate.